Friday, November 5, 2010

leaf party!

This afternoon we went outside to enjoy the sunshine and our Fun Friday snack.  We have a couple of trees that we have enjoyed watching change colors and really enjoyed watching them pile up on the ground.  Some students went to the playground to play after they ate but some decided to stay under the trees and play in the leaves.  They first began to make a huge pile then they starting squealing and throwing them in the air.  I sat in the sun close to the playground and watched them run and laugh and play.  I love to just watch and be close enough to hear their conversations.  One of my kinder friends came and sat with me for a little bit and we were talking about the weekend.  I was turning around to watch the students playing and my friend (who is always making me laugh) said, "Oh man, they are having a leaf party."  Then she jumped up and ran to join in the fun.  Never heard of a leaf party but I am glad it is the little things in life that make them so happy!!!

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