Tuesday, October 26, 2010

ms. brown forgot!!!!

Every afternoon I make sure to hug my students and give them a little encouragement and praise each of them about their day.  I feel that it is very important for my students to know that I am a positive person in their life and know that they are loved and cared for.  I like to tell them I was proud of how they stayed on green all day or how helpful they were or even just wish them luck at their football game! 
Today was a rush out the door.  I was wanting to finish the Junie B. Jones chapter we were on ( I LOVE Junie B. Jones books!) before it was time to line up.  When I finished I quickly told the car riders to line up and I stood by the door and just quickly patted them on the head and told them I would see them tomorrow.  They were almost all out when one came back.  I thought he had forgotten his jacket but no!
Me: "HURRY!  The car riders are going to leave you!"
Student: "But Ms. Brown...you forgot!"
Me: "I forgot what???"
Student: "You forgot to give me a hug!"
Me: "Oh no!  I am so sorry!" 
I gave him a BIG hug!
Student: "You also forgot to tell me good luck."
I knew what he was talking about because we always talk about his football games!
Me: "I am so sorry.  Good luck at your game and score me a touchdown!  See you tomorrow!"

I will be sure to never let this special time with my students be hurried again!


  1. How sweet!! It brought tears to my eyes to read about how important your hug and encouragement was to this little guy. Sometimes you may give the only praise that they get! Keep it up!

  2. I love you Laura! You are such a wonderful teacher and person. These kids are so blessed to have you in their lives and so am I! :)


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